Why Art Journal?

I love to art journal, and to encourage others to art journal as well.  The most frequent question that I get is, “what is an art journal FOR?”  In a world driven by the lure of accomplishment and success, it is hard for us to grasp the value of something that is purely about the PROCESS.  Art journaling is not about what we produce, or achieve, it is purely about what creative journaling can do for us.  Here is an excerpt from my upcoming art journaling 101 workshop:

  • It is art therapy. It calms my sometimes jangled nerves. According to researchers,  “people who engaged in creative pursuits today felt significantly more energetic, enthusiastic, and excited the next day.” (Read the full article on the benefits of daily creativity here: http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/12/to-be-happier-do-one-creative-thing-every-day.html )
  • It is a place to record, reinforce, and remember happy, positive thoughts. A place to express gratitude and to encourage myself.
  • It is a place to put down ideas, quotes, and images to use later
  • It is a place to try out, practice, and perfect new styles and techniques that I will use in my “real” art.

How about you?  Are you an art journaler?  What benefits do you enjoy from art journaling?

If you would like to attend my Art Journaling 101 workshop and make your own start in art journaling, we would love to have you!

Other upcoming workshops you may be interested in:


2 Responses

  1. Kim

    I would be there in a heARTbeat if I lived closer!! Love your work and one of these days, I’m going to plan a trip to visit friends and combine it with one of your classes. Love your work! Happy new year!

    • Kayann Ausherman

      That would be soooo fun to have you Kim! Hope you have a blessed New year full of art and creativity!

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