Magpies in Color


“Magpies in Color” mixed media collage and paint on 11 x 14 stretched deep canvas.

I was prompted to create these magpies by one of my customer/friends, so I have been studying up a bit on them, not having been personally acquainted with any magpies.  It turns out that they are considered among the most intelligent animals in the world.  That means I couldn’t just have a blank expression on their face… their eyes and expression needed to communicate that intelligence.

They are related to ravens and crows, of which I have long been drawn to.  They are considered to be gregarious creatures, and are comfortable around humans, scavenging for useful or tasty treasures.

Magpies are the only non-mammal species to recognize itself in a mirror test.  I imagine these two magpies staring into a mirror from their colorful background created with Citra Solv altered magazine pages, and my abstract leaves stencil.


0 Responses

  1. victoryrd

    Susan, glad you spotted the magpies! It is 11 x 14 stretched deep canvas ( I made a mistake in my initial description which I have since corrected!). The price is $95. Thank you for introducing me to these interesting birds!

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