Using Derwent Inktense pencils

A few years ago I discovered the Derwent Inktense pencil and immediately fell in love with their versatility.  They work much like a watercolor pencil, but lay down ink instead of watercolor.  The color is much more intense, and permanent … Continued

Don’t throw out that leftover dye!

This weekend we had great fun decorating Easter eggs with the grandkids.  Ever on the lookout for art supplies, I decided to try using the leftover dye as watercolor paints on Sunday’s Scripture doodle. As always, I began with an ink drawing of … Continued

If You Love Me…. Scripture Doodle

Our lessons in church have been over the Ten Commandments, and their continued relevance, so I have been looking at what the New Testament has to say.  Today’s Scripture Doodle is from John 14:15, “If you love me, you will … Continued