It is from the seed of imagination that my faith sprouts and hope endures. If I can’t even imagine that there could be a better future, a different outcome or a hope for heaven then I am shackled to a life that has nowhere to go. While God can certainly do more than I can even ask or imagine, I have to at least imagine that there could exist something beyond myself. That leaves room for the unbelievable to happen, impossibilities to take root and the unexpected to blossom. Once I make that simple acknowledgement that outcomes are beyond my prediction, and even may be beyond the reality that I know and see, I have handed over to God my assent to take it from here. I have moved into a realm of infinite possibility.
In my mixed media “Imagine”, I portray the word as the foundation that a woman rises from with the tendrils of her hair branching out like the limbs of a tree in the directions of all sorts of possibilities, bearing bright and happy blossoms that stand in stark contrast to the somewhat dark and dismal world that surrounds them. Because this woman could imagine, she was able to grow into unforeseen directions and opportunities.
For more about this piece visit https://www.etsy.com/listing/121022796/imagine-8-x-10-mixed-media-print?nc=1
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