Pen work in a journal, or on a mixed media piece is the icing on the cake! It is the extra little finishing marks, and the writing and lettering that really make the journal or artwork. So today, I am going to share with you the pens (and pencil) that I go to again and again when I am working on my art journals.
- Scarlet Lime pen. If you purchase just one of these, get this one. I don’t know of anywhere to find it other than online at . Search for Scarlet Lime Permaball Pilot Pen. It is well worth the $3.00. Unlike most other pens, it writes with ease on top of paint. Unlike any other pen I have used, it even works (and is not ruined!) when that paint proves to still be damp.
- White Sharpie water based paint pen – medium point. Good to have in black as well. I seem to have better luck with the water based than with the oil based ones that clog up and stop working. Love this for adding accent work to the finished page.
- Paper Mate Flair black pen – like they had way back when I was a kid! These are great because they have a medium point that works nicely…but even better, add water and end up with a nice washy watercolor look.
- Pigma Micron .05 – I use the other sizes as well, but if I picked just one for my art journal, it would be the 05. A nice, permanent, medium fine tip pen for outlining, touching up, accent work, and small writing.
- Copic sketch marker. Great dual tip pen with marker and brush tips. Writes well on most surfaces, and though pricey (around $6) can be refilled.
- White uni-ball Signo – the best, and most reliable white gel pen I have found. Perfect for small marks, or writing on dark backgrounds. Other colors available as well.
- General’s sketch and wash – love to sketch things in with this. When you paint it in, the pencil blends with the paint to make a cool shading effect.

Morning Pages | from victory road
[…] page. The face is entirely done with assorted paint markers, a 2B pencil, and the same favorite Scarlet Lime pen that I use for journaling. The hair is a mass of meditative pen doodling, started when I did the […]