I was thrilled to be able to attend a day of the three day Julie Ford Oliver workshop held at Tessera Fine Art Gallery in Wichita last week. I only wish I had been able to do all three!
She shared the “fracturing” technique that she has developed, as well as giving us each a fracturing tool. Since I am normally a mixed media artist, it was a bit of a stretch for me to be confined to ONLY paint, but I was soon caught up in the fun. It is a great technique to keep the artwork loose and “active” as Julie would say. She had loads of other helpful tips as well that I know I will be putting to use.
All in all it was a great experience, and I am anxious to put the things I learned to work!
Laura (PA Pict)
The products of your art class look fantastic. I’m very intrigued by this fracturing them especially since the tool looks like something for prepping veggies.
🙂 Wouldn’t be the first time I used a kitchen tool as an art supply!