Wow! I can’t believe that March is already here! I haven’t fully gotten used to it being 2019 yet, and here it is 1/6 of the way through! Every month is busy for me, but the next few will be especially busy, and will hold a few changes.

One big change this month is that Tessera Fine Art Gallery, where I have taught the bulk of my classes, and had a wall of my art for the last several years, will be closing. It remains to be seen what the future holds for the space, but I will no longer have my wall there, and at best will only hold sporadic workshops. It is always a little sad to make changes, but sometimes good things end in order to open the way for new and wonderful things. I wish Teressa the best in this new chapter of life!

I am very excited about my new workshop location right here on Victory Road! I have a wonderful enclosed space with a lovely view, and ample room for lots of creating! My first Victory Road workshop will be Sunday March 10 with a Bible Journaling workshop, and my last Tessera Gallery workshops will be Saturday March 16 with Fingerpainted Flowers, and Fiber Art Prayer Amulets. Visit my events page to keep up on workshops, featured artist shows, Artisan Markets, and other events! Register early for any of the workshops on my new shop page to get the early bird discount.

My art will still be available at a number of venues like The Workroom and City Arts Boutique. I will also be putting my art in new wall space at Gallery XII in March. I also have a number of featured artist shows lined up, including new venues like the Salina Community Theater and Salina’s Flower Nook in April and two big solo shows this year at Carriage Factory Gallery in May/June, and Larksfield Place in Dec/Jan.
I have some other big plans up my sleeve, but more on that later!

In the meantime, here are a couple of pieces that just got accepted into the Derby Library “Your Community Show” celebrating Derby’s 150 years. Come join the celebration at an artist reception on Thursday April 11 from 5:30 – 7:30pm at Derby Library.
Otherwise, I have been trying to do some overdue downsizing and massive purging in my home. I am beginning to wonder whether I will live long enough to get the job done! Baby steps…
What excites you most about the month of March? Have to admit I am pretty excited about the arrival of spring and the promise of a new season, new growth popping out of the earth, and new beginnings!
Kim T
So happy for you!!
Kayann Ausherman
Thank you Kim! Things always have a way of working out! I am still plotting to get you up here to Kansas one of these days!
Joanna Pinkerton
I am so sorry about Tessera’s art gallery closing, but also wish her the best! And I am excited about classes in your new space! I hope to come enjoy it soon!
Kayann Ausherman
Thank you Joanna! I am sad about the gallery, but happy for all the new freedoms that Teressa is looking forward to. And nothing ever changes without also offering some new opportunities! Are you going to the retreat this weekend? I will be thinking about you all! I AM going to get back there one of these days!
Joanna Pinkerton
Yes, retreat this weekend! I am now a grandma so hope to work on grandma stuff! And card making.
I am very interested in your Bible journaling class! I actually bought a Bible for that purpose a couple years ago but never started. Is it something I can miss the first class?
Kayann Ausherman
Congratulations! So exciting!
Yes, I am giving a lot of general info this time, but will make all of that available each time I teach it. There will just be some different specific projects each time. Hope to catch you the next time around!
Joanna Pinkerton
Ok! I will keep my eyes peeled for the next class! I’d love to do this regularly!! Thank you!