“Three’s a Crowd”
I created this piece from a photo that really captured my attention. Can’t you just feel the sense of rejection in that poor little bird to the left while the birds to the right seem to be sharing a juicy bit of gossip? I think all of us have experienced that scenario at some point in our life whether we were the excluded, or the excluder. This piece serves as a reminder to be aware of those that may feel on the fringes. Be sure and reach out and include them!
I used some bits of flourescent yellow paper as highlights in these birds, and love the way they almost seem to glow! I also added gold ink to the branches that they are perched on.
Yesterday, I held the first of many workshops right here on Victory Road. It was a Bible Journal workshop, and I really enjoyed the great group of creatives that came. It was a great kick off for many more workshops to come!

Here is a schedule for upcoming Victory Road workshops; download, print and share!

Which sound most fun to you?
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