Some years ago, I entered the arts and crafts business with messenger bags. I also made journals and all kinds of other repurposed items, but the messenger bag was the central product of my business. Gradually I started doing more and more “art”, and less and less “crafts” (where does one draw the line of distinction?) until finally the messenger bag had to fall by the wayside as I faced the fact that this maker just can’t make all the things I want to make!
Every once inawhile I run across someone who is still using one of those original messenger bags, or who wants to order another. That, plus the fact that I still had a stockpile of men’s suits and other lovely things that could become wonderful messenger bags enticed me to commission someone that could make fromvictoryroad style messenger bags.

That someone is Connie Collins, who for the last year or two has helped me with all kinds of studio jobs. She is an accomplished seamstress, and was willing to learn step by step my method of bag making, and to keep the bags consistent with “my” style. That is harder than one might think! Happily, I am finally ready to announce the comeback of the messenger bag! They are already appearing in my etsy shop, and you can find them locally at The Workroom’s April 13th Artisan Market.
Here are a few examples that are now available!

Which is your favorite?
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