…an adventure in abstract art.

After much playing around recently, I am beginning to get a little more comfortable with abstract art. However, I find that it is of little use to try to make a plan, but rather can only play around until something begins to emerge. At that point I just start encouraging the piece into the direction it seems to want to go. It is an intuitive dance where I feel more the spectator than participant. When I try to force the piece into a particular direction I am never as happy with it in the end. The best thing seems to be to just stay out of my own way and let the piece evolve on its own. Or at least that is how it has worked for me so far!
At first this piece had the feel of a galaxy to me, but as I continued to work on it I began to see it as more organic and living on a cellular leverl. From a mishmosh of marks and color, shapes and patterns, a collected gathering began to emerge and make some sort of sense of the thing as I doodled. Hence the title, “Chaos to Cosmos”. I love the color combinations in this one!
I am going to keep working in abstracts if for no other reason than the challenge that they present! As Pablo Picasso is credited with saying,
” I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
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