Memorial Day marks a day to remember to be grateful for those both living and gone who have sacrificed for us. Thank you to those in all kinds of service to others! Both my husband and I’s fathers served during WWII. My father was in the Coast Guard…

And my father in law was in the Navy.

They both survived, but the experience definitely marked their lives. My father in law was away from his young family for two years that could never be regained. My father was plagued decades later by visions of the bodies of those that they hadn’t been able to rescue in time. And there were so many others like them….
My memories, gratitudes, and tributes are recorded in journals of various sorts. Art journaling for me combines the purposes of a scrapbook, diary, sketchbook and art portfolio!

Are you a journaler? If you love art journaling and would like to join me June 19-22 for a four day Victory Journal Workshop where we will not only bind our own journals, but fill all the pages as well, then be sure and register THIS WEEK to get the early bird discount! There are only two spots left… is one of them yours?

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