June was a whirlwind month full of all kinds of fun and artsy events. As a result, I have been a bit missing in action over here on my blog, so I thought I would do a little catch up of some of the month’s events!

Early in the month, I took a new batch of art to Gallery XII, and totally changed out my wall there.

One of my new pieces for Gallery XII, “Thinking Outside the Box” was a bit different than my usual fair. This is one of those pieces that just burst upon my mind and wouldn’t let me go until I had completed it. It is all about freedom in thought and creativity and not getting boxed in by any particular conventions or styles.

Patti Mann got in a whole batch of handpainted needlepoint patterns made from adapting my artwork. So exciting to see them translated into this medium! I sent her 20 or so more designs, which will be turning up soon….

The second week in June, I shared an artist residency at the Red Barn Studio with my daughter Abby, a high school art teacher in Independence, Kansas. While there, we both focused on our own versions of art stitching….

Together we taught a workshop on combining printmaking with fiber art. Participants created their own stamps and then added stitching and embellishments to the prints they made! Aren’t they cool?!

As soon as I got back from Lindsborg, I led this gang of artsy and lovely ladies in making a journal and filling the pages with 30 art journal spreads!

As soon as the 4 day workshop was over, I packed my bags and headed to Colorado, to enjoy a week there with my daughter Kelsi, just soaking in the natural beauty as well as taking in the art scene in Salida. We were there for their yearly Art Walk downtown, as well as for the Salida Art Festival. So much art to enjoy and absorb! It left me itching to get home and make more art of my own!

If you have never been to downtown Salida, CO, you need to go! It is full of galleries and working artists and there are always a lot of inspiring things to see!
Now I am back home, working away at getting some art made ready for the Foothills Fine Art Festival in Golden, Colorado, as well as working on a couple of commission pieces. The summer marches on!
What artsy fun have you been up to this summer?
Joanna Pinkerton
Wow, wow, wow! What a month! Hoping I can catch up with you at the Bible Journal workshop in July.