I love collage. Maybe because it is an excuse to hoard lovely bits of all manner of eye catching paper. Wrappers, junk mail, magazines, books, envelopes, napkins, nothing is exempt! It is also a super easy on the go art form since all you really need is a bag of papers, scissors, a glue stick, and a surface to glue your bits on to.

There are three distinctive types of collage:
- Image reassembly
- Painting with Paper
- Cut Paper Collage
In image reassembly, actual image elements are cut from magazines, books, etc and reassembled in different, often humurous ways. I don’t do a whole lot of this outside of a journal setting, but it is fun and easy! Especially with the help of a collage sheet from the talented Teesha Moore! I subscribe to her https://theartstronauts.com/Artstronauts Club which gives me access to all kinds of fun printables!

In painting with paper, simply imagine viewing paper bits as colors on a palette. Shading and nuances are done by using different shades of paper. For me, these are almost always torn bits of paper.

For more examples of painting with paper, check out the fantastic work of Shara Oliman!
This technique uses lots of scissor and/or xacto knife action. It involves cutting paper shapes to form images.

This blue jay was done in Charley Harper style, breaking the image down into geometric shapes.

Which kind of collage is your preference?
I love them all, but if I had to pick … painting with paper. That is a lovely piece!! Thanks for sharing.