I am SUPER excited about a project that I have coming up in 2020, but have been busy working on now! I have been realizing how much of life I miss noticing and appreciating because I keep myself too busy. So, I have decided that I want to really SEE 2020, with 20/20 vision, while it is happening! I am using a daily planner (mine is an A5 Moleskin daily planner) to help me stay on track, and using it as a ‘stop and smell the roses’/gratitude diary/art journal. I have written my intentions into the front cover.

I am preparing some prompts for myself to make sure I keep FOCUSED. Getting some pages prepared ahead will ensure I don’t have a totally blank page to face every day. I am gathering quotes, fun stickers, paper bits, and washi tape to have handy for making my pages. My primary tools will be a .03 Micron pen and a glue stick (review here), but I am not making myself any rules about how I am going to work in my book!
What I AM going to do is invite you along on my project. Feel free to adapt to your life and needs, maybe weekly works better for you. I will offer prompts and free digital resources here on my blog. I will be using #seeing2020 and #projectseeing2020 on Instagram so that you can post your own pages and we can encourage each other along! It all works better when we share! The same posts will go to my Facebook page, and I have just created a Pinterest board called SEEING 2020 of my own pages, things that inspire me, other people’s pages, etc.
Want to play along? Here is a little something to help you get started! Just right click, download, and print on a standard 8.5 x 11 inch page. Then you color, can cut up, and glue into your own journal as you choose!

I am also offering a totally optional workshop on Saturday, January 4, 9am to noon for any of you local Central Kansas folks who would like to get a jump start on your journal. I will have many resources available to make things easy for you to prepare the way for a year of art journaling your life. What a treasure we will have at the end of the year!! In the afternoon of the same day will be another workshop to create beautiful covers for our journals. More to come on that!

Finally, while we are on the subject of 2020, the new art calendar is ready for preorder! There are three sizes to choose from, AND you will get a bonus 5 x 7 print along with your calendar. Thirteen prints of my recent art for the price of a calendar!
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