I am super excited about the daily challenge that I created for myself for 2020… so excited that I am inviting all of you to join in!

Tired of the days whizzing by in mere busyness, I am commiting to being more mindful and intentional about what I FOCUS on in 2020. I want to improve my VISION and OUTLOOK on each day and notice the things that may seem trivial or ordinary, but are actually the important stuff that life is made of. I want to SEE with 20/20 vision and that means I need to slow down and take time to LOOK around me and ponder things a bit. To help me do that, I am using a daily planner as a visual journal that I will write and/or make art in to record each day. There aren’t really any rules, but I am following a prompt list that I created and will be sharing with you month by month. I will also be sharing my pages on social media with the hashtag “seeing 2020, or #projectseeing2020, and invite you to share yours too!

If you want to join me, feel free to adapt this to what best suits you. Maybe you will make monthly entries instead of daily ones. Maybe you will use different prompts, or incorporate your planning and scheduling into the same book…. the important thing is to DO IT!

I am using an A5 sized Moleskin daily planner, but anything will do! I needed to have dates to keep myself accountable for each day!
I will be sharing some of the digital downloads that I will be creating from some of my own entries for you to use as you like in your own #projectseeing2020. Here are a couple to get you started!

A few tips to get you started:
- I prepared my pages by wrapping the edge of the first page of each month with washi tape to make the months easier to find.
- If you planner has a month view like my moleskin planner does in the front, fill it in with the prompts to keep them easy to refer to.
- gather stickers, interesting paper bits, digital pages, photos, and a small selection of simple art supplies into a basket that can be always handy so you can make the most of even 5 minutes of journaling time.
- I made a journal cover with a special place for a pencil and a micron pen, so it is always easy to grab and work in. Sign up for my workshop if you want help with this!
- make sure you are subscribed to get email updates of my blog posts so you don’t miss any of the FREE stuff, and to take a look at my pages each week.

Totally optional: Come to my workshop on Jan. 4, 2020 to prep your pages in the morning session, and make a cover for your own journal/planner in the afternoon.

“Looks” very interesting, but I am horrible at the daily challenge, however I will cheer you on and can’t wait to see how it develops. Love the cloth journal! Merry Christmas!
Kayann Ausherman
Haha! Maybe you could join in weekly, or monthly? Thanks for the cheering section!