For those of you following along, we are already onto week two of the Seeing 2020 daily challenge! I have been really enjoying the time of creativity and thoughtfulness that it is bringing into each of my days.

On Monday, I kept things simple with a face cut from a vintage magazine, and title letters also cur from a magazine. I love this style of lettering! Some simple drawings and words, with a little Tombow marker to add touches of color, and I was done!

January 7 and 8 were also pretty simple. I used my own drawings for the pot of soup and the tree. The snow globe is a stamp I own. The owl with a snowflake is from my own seasonal (as in Christmas) sticker set. The owl on the next page is from a prospective sticker set (what do you think?). The eyes, the word winter, and the word HOPE are all available as printables.
Eyes is available in my etsy shop:

But feel free to download and print this January prompt sheet right here!

January 9 and 10 followed a yellow color scheme that I don’t often use, but really like on these pages. That is one thing I love about journals, it is a great place to try out colors you don’t often use! I also like the very simple border at the bottom of the right page that I used to fill in leftover space! I love Thursday’s quote… EVERYONE needs to create!

I ended the week with a simple black and white spread. Most of my journal has a ton of color, but once in awhile I need to take a break and just enjoy the beauty of plain ol’ black and white. The photo is available on my winter scenes printable. I also boiled down the words of Ephesians 4:32 to a simple two words, “Be kind” cut from black and white magazine images.

That’s it for another week!
Prompts for next week:
- 13. power
- 14. legacy
- 15. darkest day
- 16. oddities
- 17. one of a kind
- 18. blue
- 19. grace and peace
Kim T
ohhhh my fav is the Black & White! Love the yellow theme, and YES … it is the best place to experiment!
Hey … I am never able to download the free sheet you have, is there a way and if so, let me know!
Thanks for posting 🙂
Kayann Ausherman
Hmm, not sure what is happening with the printable sheet. Sorry about that! If you right click on it, what are your options? Do you get a ‘save image as’? Thanks for letting me know! In the meantime, I could email you the ones you are having trouble with.
I’m so glad to come across this. I will also play along. I don’t do social media, but, I will do this in my artjournal, for my sanity.
Art Saves and God knows where, when and what to lead us too.
Kayann Ausherman
I am so glad to have you join in Tina! Yes, it is all about our emotional health and increases our gratitude and creativity! Both very important to our well being! If you ever find you want to share one of you pages that might be helpful to someone else, just email a photo of it and I will post it here if you like. Good luck on your journey of Seeing 2020!