My how the weeks fly by! We are already getting close to wrapping up January. I am still really enjoying working in my Seeing 2020 journal. It has become a sort of refuge for me, and a safe place for me to spout all my opinions on all sorts of subjects the prompts lead me to! This week I have had a lot of computer work to do and have keep my journal nearby so that in all those little waiting times for pictures to load, I could work a bit in it. It is amazing how just a few minutes here and there can add up.
So without further ado, here are the pages for this week:
Jan. 20, MLK day, “I have a dream”

Jan. 21, “imagine” – I love this quote from Albert Einstein. In fact, quotes show up on my pages quite frequently! The flying giraffe is from an old art journal and is included on my printable page full of fanciful creatures. See below to print your own!
Jan. 22, “Artwork” – The image is by an artist I am currently loving… Juliette Belmonte. I have been swooning over this piece for months, and just bought a print of it. She is an amazing mixed media artist. Be sure and take a look at her work!

Jan.23, “people” – I included the adorable purple person drawn by one of my grandchildren on this page.
Jan. 24, “patterns” – These are mostly photos that I took of patterns that caught my eye…. manhole covers, restroom floor, heater grill, …. patterns are everywhere! Do you see them?

Jan. 25, “motto” – I chose Romans 13:8 because it seems like it would be a good motto, but I kind of wish I would have saved it for Valentine’s day. Oh well!
Jan. 26, “rainbow” – another quote. I love the idea of being a rainbow in someone’s cloud!

If any of you are looking ahead, here is the prompt list for February:

And here is the sheet of imaginative creatures:

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