The Meadowlark is the state bird of Kansas, and this piece is one of the first handful made so far in 2020!
On January 29th, my state of Kansas will be 159 years old. I think that Kansas gets a bum rap sometimes of being a ‘boring’ state, but it actually is quite beautiful. I love visiting other states, and enjoy mountains and oceans and forests…non of which can be found in Kansas. But, I also love the prairies, farmlands, and especially the sky in this state of mine.

And I think sometimes the ‘big’ beauties are in the small things that I might not notice with other distractions.

Lots of art inspiration! And of course, the very best part of Kansas is its people!
A great way to celebrate the beauty of Kansas is to attend the “Kansas through the eyes of the Artist” show at Carriage Factory Gallery. There was a lovely reception last weekend, but the show will still be up until March 20.
Happy birthday Kansas!
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