One of my very favorite mixed media tools is the stencil. Originating back in cave dwelling days when the artist’s hand was used as stencils and pigments were blown onto the cave wall around it, stenciling may be one of the oldest, and most enduring, forms of art making. Stenciling is found on the walls of Egyptian tombs, in the city of Pompeii, on ancient fabrics from Asia, and many other ancient places. Today, stencils are usually made of plastic film cut into all kinds of different shapes and patterns, but the basic premise is the same; blocking pigments and paints in specific areas to achieve the desired affect. It is a simple way to repeat an image or pattern.
This month marks the release of several new stencils in my line up that I am already having a great time using. The pieces of art above were made using stencils in two different ways. In Magpie Majesty, the background, as well as reflection in the water was made with my new Tree Tops stencil on the gel plate (yet another favorite tool and perfect stencil companion). Busy Bodies was made using my Flower Child stencil with Citra Solv on National Geographic magazine pages.
Check out my other new designs available in 12 x 12 inch or 6 x 6 inch from my etsy shop:

I also have two new masks that I am finding handy; Loop de Loop, and Lattice Works:

And just in time for Valentine making, these 4 x 5 inch heart stencils, perfect for card making:

Which is your favorite? How do you like to use stencils?
Have a happy, creative week!
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