Well another month is nearly to a close, and I am still plugging away at my Project Seeing 2020 challenge to create every day in the form of a visual diary, following prompts for each day. If you want to see a flip through of my February pages, here is the link:
More of this week’s pages:

I have been really enjoying the benefits of working in my Project Seeing 2020 journal. Even on days that don’t include studio time, I still am able to bring some creativity into my day. The prompts make me stop and think, exactly as I had hoped, and I am brushing up on doing some writing. I am pausing to be a little more mindful of what is going on around me instead of scurrying through my to do list.

I have been reading Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis. (I know I am going to end up painting this cover…) I included this quote from his book on my Creativity page above and I agree with it wholeheartedly!
“Creativity is a natural, life sustaining, human function that is essential to our health and well being. It’s as natural as breathing… When we create, we tap into something powerful inside us. We don’t control this energy as much as we channel it. The strength of this creative force in every human being is undeniable.” – Chase Jarvis
Ready to join the fun? This is the perfect time! Here are the March prompts in case you missed them:

March will be full of Buster the Bus conversion fun, some how to projects, and a bit of travel and art on the road… so stay tuned!

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