Time for another batch of Scripture Coloring pages! Most, if not all, of our churches have shut their doors because of the Covid 19 outbreak. That leaves us each to our own in house church, watching online services, reading our Bibles, and hopefully spending a little time meditating on the Sovereignty and faithfulness of God.
Studies have shown that doodling, or coloring, or writing help us absorb and remember 39% more of what we are listening to. I find that it is also a very meditative and focusing practice for me. Drawing these Scriptures, and then coloring them, help me really THINK on them. I hope they help you too!
I am leading off with Isaiah 26:20, which seems a very appropriate verse for the days we find ourselves in! Amazing how words spoken thousands of years ago are still relevant! For those of you suddenly finding yourself homeschooling, or with extra little ones around, share these pages with them as well! Feel free to download and print for personal use!

The rest of today’s coloring pages are adapted from my Project Seeing 2020 journal. I am sharing in advance so you will have some of the Easter pages ahead of time.

This verse seems especially relevant in days where people are living and behaving in fear, AND we are perhaps spending more time with our loved ones than usual…. We need to extend a little extra grace to each other in these times!

And enjoy the hope we have because of Christ’s victory over death!

Hope you enjoy these as much as I have! Stay in and stay well!
FREE Scripture Doodles 2 ~ Old Testament | Paper Gifts for Estefany
[…] Isaiah 26:20 (fromvictoryroad) Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the indignation shall be past; free printable […]
FREE Scripture Doodles 4 ~ New Testament | Paper Gifts for Estefany
[…] Ephesians 2:19 (fromvictoryroad) So then, you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and are of God’s household; words only; free printable […]
I just wanted to tell you what a blessing your color pages are. I love your artistic eye. YOU are a blessing. THANK YOU!
Kayann Ausherman
Thank you so much Wendi!