What a month it has been! Some of the March prompts ended up with meanings to me that I could not have imagined when I made them! And in these stressful and uncertain times of staying at home with our normal schedules totally disrupted, what a perfect time to be journaling! Imagine your grandchildren or great grandchildren reading these journals years down the road and finding out what life was like during the great pandemic of 2020. And in the here and now, it is a great place to record hopes, fears, good things, gratitudes, lessons learned, and whatever else helps you process current events!
I look forward to continuing in April, and will be using my project 2020 journal to participate in #the100dayproject . If you don’t want to commit to a whole year of daily journaling, consider starting now as a 100 day project.

In case you missed them, here are the April prompts as well as some free printables that correspond with the prompts.

Stay well everyone!
Love it thank you