I am super excited about a new four day intensive workshop that I have been working on! It is called:
“Finding Your Way in Mixed Media Methods”
It will explore the Seven Elements of Design as I incorporate them into mixed media artwork. The great thing about this workshop is that it is very flexible to YOUR style and YOUR favorite mediums. If you are a realist, or abstract artist, or somewhere in between, there is something you can gain from learning these techniques! You can also choose whether you want to work in your art journal, or on an art surface such as a wood panel or paper.

What are the seven elements of design? What kind of projects will we be doing?

Color – my goals with this element are for you to get more comfortable with mixing color and combining colors to develop a color palette that you love and can easily incorporate into your work. We will also look at how color can express a range of emotions in your artwork.

I will also be giving you tips on paints, papers, and other mixed media supplies that have to do with color!

Line – We will be looking at all the things that can be communicated with the simple line. We will create lines and marks to different styles of music, and use those as powerful elements. We will use line to create energy and movement within our artwork. Don’t be intimidated if you think you can’t draw! There are lots of ways to use line to good advantage without realism!
Shape – Shape builds the structure of your piece. Whether geometric or organic, shapes are the building blocks of our artwork. We will do some fun shape exercises, then create our own piece.
Form – techniques to take our shapes from two dimensional, to three dimensional form. Easier than you might think with a few tips and tricks!

Value – One of the most powerful and appealing things we can add to our art is the effective use of value. We will do some exercises in using both light and shadow to create the oh so important contrast.

Space – To learn about composition, and how our shapes relate to each other, we will look at the spaces around, between, and within them. Some of my favorite techniques of exploring negative spaces will be be taught here.

Texture – we will be making the most of both visual, and tangible texture techniques in our projects through the week. Some of the fun things we will use to achieve this are Venetian plaster, and charcoal powder.
We will be completing multiple pieces as we work our way through all of the elements of design using favorite mixed media materials and techniques. Just to name a few…
- stencils
- collage
- cold wax
- citra solv
- and more!
Are you getting excited? I am! Be watching for more to come about this workshop!
This class is currently scheduled for June 17 through 20 and I so hope that we can stick with that! If the workshop is canceled, or rescheduled, never fear, you will receive a full refund! But if you sign up, it saves your spot, and helps me plan. If we can’t hold the in person workshop, or if you live too far away, would you be interested in an online version? Let me know!
Margaret Burlingham
I live in Wisconsin and would love an online workkshop!
Kayann Ausherman
Good to know Margaret! I am taking steps that direction!
Val Young
The Young Tribe of 4 are in for the June Mixed Media Workshop
Kayann Ausherman
Alright Val! I have you down! Can’t wait to see you all!
Val Young
Yes. Kayann, I’m super excited for June workshop, finding it hard to wait for it.
Jo McQueen
I am very interested in taking this class. Just let know the cost. As of now, put me on your list. This sounds great and I love your teaching style and you as well.
Kayann Ausherman
Aw, thanks Jo! I would love to have you! The early bird price for the workshop is $230. Here is the link in the shop: https://fromvictoryroad.com/product/14175/ You are also welcome to mail a check to hold your spot! Also, there is an optional lunch package for $40 that covers a nice lunch all four days.
Linda Schiller
I would like to attend when you can offer this class.
Kayann Ausherman
Linda, I would love to have you! As things stand now, it looks like we will be able to have the workshop as scheduled for June 17-20! If you want to register to secure your spot, you are welcome to. In the event that covid keeps us from meeting, you will get a full refund. Go here if and when you want to register: https://fromvictoryroad.com/product/14175/
Lynda Wessell
I am only 4.5 hours away, but I take care of an elder, so my ability to get away for overnight trips is limited. I would be interested in a live online workshop where we could have feedback to questions in a conference call type situation.
Alternatively, a question, do you plan to hold future dates of this in person workshop.
Lynda Wessell
Kayann Ausherman
I will keep that in mind Lynda! Our rural internet is currently not reliable enough to hold a live workshop… but I will put some thought into what could be worked out! I try to do a four day in person workshop similar to this every June, I just change up the projects a bit. Hope we can make something work for you!
Carol Jones
I am interested in an online workshop – thanks.
Kayann Ausherman
Good to know Carol, thank you! I will work towards that!
Dorethy Hancock
I am so excited about this class! Please enroll me, as well as the lunches. Even though I’ve taken your class, I’ve forgotten so much because I haven’t really been DOING it, and I really do WANT TO!!
Kayann Ausherman
REALLY looking forward to seeing you! There will be some new things in this one!
Dorethy Hancock
KayAnn, I did not see a place to make a payment for the class. How do I pay?
Dorethy Hancock
Oh, sorry, nevermind, I figured it out. See you in June!! 🙂
What time do we start?
Kayann Ausherman
9am on Wed, June 17!
Mary Albrecht
Hello from Arizona, Kayann! I would be very interested in a video format/repeat of your four day workshop just held! Travel with Covid & our fire situation isn’t possible for me, although at some point I would love to attend a mixed media “intensive” 🙂
My brother passed away in January & I was blessed to discover YOU & your unique style, in hopes of creating a piece to express my emotions in losing Tom. I’m an absolute newbie but feel called to do this. A video series would be perfect for me!
Kayann Ausherman
I am so glad you have found your way to art making as an outlet for your emotions! Thank you for the encouragement! I do hope to have online workshops available soon! Keep watching!