Another month has marched right by and it is time to share the April Project Seeing 2020 pages. Which brings me to my big news. I have started a vimeo account which gives me a platform for future online classes. To get things going over there, I have created an exclusive seeing 2020 flip through video on Vimeo. These are my personal pages and thoughts, so for now these are private videos for my specialist people… that’s you!
Use password projectSEEING2020 to view!
Please let me know if you want to see more videos like this, or if you would rather have the flip through without all the talking! 🙂 Please be patient, I am still learning the ropes! So also let me know if you experience any technical difficulties. You are my guinea pigs!

In my later April pages you will see some covid 19 specific art. I don’t know about you, but art, and writing, is how I process the happenings in my world. The whole purpose of my Project Seeing 2020 was to become more mindful of what is happening in the world around me. Well, bang, enter coronavirus! So, instead of staying in my happy little world, I have been really engaging with world events and giving them some thought and perspective. If you prefer to keep your journal as your happy place, good for you. If you choose to make it a place to grapple with things and think through tough things, then also good for you! I find myself doing some of both!
I hope you will continue (or start) the Seeing 2020 journey with me as we welcome May. #mermay has become a popular challenge started by illustrator Tom Bancroft a few years back. Maybe you would enjoy including a mermaid with our daily prompt? I think I will have at least a few show up here and there on my pages this month! Here is my last day of April and first day of May… complete with a mermaid!

In case you missed them, here are the May prompts and printables:

Covid 19 Bonus page:

Kim T
Happy to be your guinea pig!! This was fun, you are so talented!!
Kayann Ausherman
Haha! Thanks Kim! Hopefully bigger and better things to come!