After a weekend of workshops, and specifically a reboot workshop for Project Seeing 2020, I have a renewed excitement about the months to come in my own journal. There were many great pages made this weekend that I didn’t get photos of, but here are a couple of great pages that I did capture.
Kellie did this one:

And this one is by Christine:

Some tips for success that we came up with at the workshop:
- Have a ‘to go’ kit of the journal and basic supplies at the ready. That gives you more time journaling and less time hunting for supplies. I keep my journal, a pencil, a micron pen, an eraser, small scissors and a glue stick ready. That’s all I really need. Any images I run across that I want to use, I stick in the back pocket of my journal.
- If possible, have a designated place set up to work. This kind of depends on what your current life situation is. If you live in a full household, your need for a place to ‘escape’ to may be greater!
- Don’t demand perfection from yourself. It is more important to just do it, than to have unreasonable expectations that take more time than you have. That’s when you will just give up and set it aside. This is definitely a time when something is better than nothing!
- Make it a priority. Simple as that. I chose a daily planner so that I would have that accountability to create every day, whether I feel like it or not (and once I make myself get started, I ALWAYS feel like it!).
We also had some starting for the first time. It’s never too late to start!
Do you have other tips to share?
And now for the August prompts and printables:

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