It’s been awhile since I shared about Buster, our shuttle bus that we are still in the process of converting to an RV. We needed something that we could use to haul art and booth set up to art shows, AND comfortably stay in as well. RVs didn’t have room for art, trucks or vans didn’t have room for us (at least not in the comfort that my aging body desires!). So we decided to create our own solution, because after all, that is what creative living is all about right?

Years ago we did a similar project, but with a whole different set of needs. We needed an inexpensive RV that would sleep a family of ten. We opted for a school bus, and our family had many, many fun adventures in it. But back to Buster and our project for two!

We chose a shuttle bus because of its ample height that my six foot tall husband can move comfortably in. They come in all different sizes, ours has seven windows and generous 16 feet behind the cab area for living space.

The first thing we did was take out the seats and create a framework on the floor that the insulation would fit in. The existing floor was in good shape, so we just built on top of it.

The back floor area is where all the booth set up and artwork will be stored. We made it even with the wheel wells so we wouldn’t have any uneven floor to deal with when sliding things in and out. We filled that extra floor space with added insulation and put a sturdy plywood floor on top. Above this area will be an ‘upstairs’ bedroom.

We had lots of fun designing the layout to fit our list of wants and needs:
- ample art/booth storage
- full size fixed bed (nothing to convert or fold out when bedtime comes)
- two recliners
- a fully functioning kitchen
- a bathroom and shower
- studio space – YES!
- safe travel seating for extra people
- ample storage to keep everything out of the way
- a changing room with standing space
- room to sit up in bed
- provision for off grid set up
- comfortable enough for extended travel
Not everyone’s list is the same, and that is the joy of a conversion project, you can actually make it to suit your own list! We will see if we are able to accomplish all our wishes!

I started getting pretty excited once the flooring started going in!

And this beautiful couch is rv grade (made to be mounted to the floor), has seatbelts for three people, two recliners and storage plus an end table in the center. Several of our wishes checked off the list!

We also opted to keep portions of the overhead rack and found these storage containers that fit perfectly.

Otherwise, construction was slow going. Every piece has to be custom fitted, but my husband is totally up to the challenge! He has spent a number of weekends and evenings on this project.

We have done sooo much more… but I will leave part 2 and our first epic journey, for another day!
What would be on YOUR wishlist for an RV?
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