Of Journals and Faces…
Still working in my junk journal this week, though I have been making a lot of art as well for some upcoming shows. Above is Spread #45 in my little junk journal – after. Below is how the bound journal … Continued
Still working in my junk journal this week, though I have been making a lot of art as well for some upcoming shows. Above is Spread #45 in my little junk journal – after. Below is how the bound journal … Continued
Today’s FREE coloring page to download, print, and color! Plus, a week’s worth of faces…. #36 through #43! The little one on the top right is using a Jane Davenport stamp. And again, I went without hair on a couple… … Continued
Faces 29 through 35 completed this week… though four of them are borrowed from my junk journal. I got a little behind on my faces, but since I was making them in my art journal pages, I decided those would … Continued