Old World Beauty
“Old World Beauty” is on a 16 x 20 deep stretched canvas with a Citra Solv altered background and a batik fabric vase. The roses are a mix of paper and paint. The piece is muted and has kind of … Continued
“Old World Beauty” is on a 16 x 20 deep stretched canvas with a Citra Solv altered background and a batik fabric vase. The roses are a mix of paper and paint. The piece is muted and has kind of … Continued
In the making of “Standing Rainbows” I first just spent a lot of time layering papers and paint until I had a beautiful board full of color. then I sketched in some trees and painted the negative spaces a deep … Continued
For the next several Wednesday Words posts, I am going to be featuring my series of book lover quotes. I originally made these pieces of art for a local bookstore, Bluebird Books, to use as inserts for an old paned … Continued
This piece seemed fitting for this last week of a big ol’ super moon, plus some snowy weather. It has a Citra Solved background with some subtle triangles stenciling, and then I used my own tree stencil as a mask … Continued
Today marks the 157th birthday of my home state of Kansas. Old McDonald’s Farm was created to commemorate this day. I haved lived in the country and in Kansas most of my life, so when you say Kansas, this is … Continued
The final Friday of every month is when Wichita area galleries and shops participate in an art crawl. Tonight I have a new wall of art up at Tessera Gallery including “Keeper in Brown”, “ICT Over the River” and … Continued
I am thrilled to be teaching a 4 day mixed media workshop for the Topeka Art Guild in March. Each day will build on the one before until we have learned all of my most used techniques in making mixed … Continued
This series of eight sessions is a journey through some of my favorite mixed media products, tools, and techniques. We will travel through those in this four day workshop, culminating with pulling it all together in a final project on … Continued
Today I delivered Rise and Shine to Carriage Factory Gallery in Newton, KS for their upcoming “Kansas through the eyes of the Artist” show which will feature art by 34 different artisits. I am pleased to have this piece and … Continued