
posted in: INSPIRATION, PLACES | 0

Yesterday I took a day off and went on an “adventure ” with a friend.  We knew that we were going to the Wichita area, but didn’t have much planned other than that.  So refreshing to have a carefree day!


First stop was Junk in the Trunk in the little town of Kechi.

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So much fun to just look and look!  I did end up getting some old photos and maps for future art projects. Definitely a place to return to!

Next stop was the Goodwill in Andover, where I found some men’s shirts to paint on and then use as paint shirts like the one done by Deborah Company in the Nov/Dec issue of Somerset Studio.


By then, it was time for lunch that we ate at a lovely little sandwich shop called Deli Bocca.  Very fun little sandwiches and they made a great twist on traditional salads. Right next door was the Green Elephant, which is a quaint old house turned into a multi roomed shop full of delightful little discoveries.

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Then, as we were headed to one last stop, we drove by a yard that immediately brought to mind the Garden of Eden in Lucas, KS. There was a woman in the yard… so we stopped to chat.  We were graciously given a tour of their home, inside and out.  There were rock gardens with all kinds of plant varieties that I could not begin to name.  I did love this hen and chicks variety that was growing out of the “pores” of this huge boulder.  I also loved the carved stones and whimsical touches that were everywhere.  Inside was just as wonderful with thousands of pieces of artwork!  (No exaggeration, THOUSANDS!) This was a delightful couple; gracious, very knowledgeable, and so artistically prolific… constantly dreaming and creating new things.

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What a great day of adventure and discovery!  I feel very rejuvenated and inspired to CREATE in new and wonderful ways!  It is so important to feed our creativity from time to time.

What places spark your creativity?

0 Responses

  1. kara

    Sounds like you and your friend had a wonderful day!! (I’m jealous!) Your blog sparks my creativity.

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