Voice of the Ancestors

posted in: ABOUT THE ART | 2

Bison are interwoven with the history of Kansas, and of the Great Plains in general. In “Voice of the Ancestors” I tried to portray that rich and varied history from the time of the earliest Native Americans, to the present. I used Citra Solv on the strips of National Geographic magazine pages to create the interesting foundation of this piece. I used my own wheat stencil to reflect the farming heritage of this area. If you look really close, within each of the three buffalo you will find the image of a person; two are faces and one is a figure walking. Can you see them?

To add to the meaningulness, as well as interest of the work, I used some very thin bark gifted to me by a friend, that had been retrieved from her workplace. It is so fun to have people bring me interesting treasures like that, that can be incorporated into my artwork.

I really like the rustic look of this piece!

Purchase “Voice of the Ancestors” here.

2 Responses

  1. Joanna Pinkerton

    Love these buffaloes! The rustic ruggedness matches th heir earthy presence!

    • Kayann Ausherman

      Thank you! Some animals just lend themselves well to the Citra Solv look! The thin paper birch bark was the only ‘extra’ added!

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