I have deeply mixed feelings about the necessity of moving my in person workshops to a online format, at least for a season. I will very much miss the in person interaction with my workshop people, but I also know this opens a door for some of you who live afar and have requested online workshops… for years now! Well, thanks to covid, I have taken the plunge and my first online workshop, Gratitude Journal, is now available. While it comes with a video that can be viewed at your leisure on Vimeo, it also has a physical supply kit that will be mailed to you when you register. That makes it a bit of a hybrid course.

So, for those of you who would like to participate from the convenience and safety of your own home, this is for you! I do have a limited number of packets for this workshop (only 7 left!) and when they are gone, this class will be done.
There are a few other online workshops with a similar format coming up in December. Purchase now to reserve your kit, then it will be mailed to you when the class is released. Then create at your own time frame. The videos will be available for you to watch again and again. Since there is no set day to have the class, this would be a perfect Christmas gift! You even have a kit to wrap and put under the tree!
Basic Stamp Carving and Printmaking – with a Christmas theme focus, but applicable any time of year.
Plan with Me – Fun kit of supplies to use with your planner, word prompt list, and ways I use a planner
Bible Journaling – Some brand new images to use in your journaling Bible, as well as new techniques. Kit of supplies included
Hope you can join the fun! Be watching for more online workshops. In the meantime, I am doing a little posting to You Tube, so take a look!
YEAAAA!!! This will be on my 2021 list to do … wow, exciting!! Congrats and hopefully 2021 will bring an end to quarantine so you can get back in the classroom
Kayann Ausherman
It took a pandemic to accomplish it, but finally am getting the online workshops up and going! Hopefully I will keep offering at least some online workshops even after we are all out and about again!
Love it, and love you, Kayann!