An Arty Evening…
There is just nothing like spreading out on a table with friends, making a big arty mess, giving each other advice on our projects and just generally having a great time! Hope a little art making finds its way into … Continued
There is just nothing like spreading out on a table with friends, making a big arty mess, giving each other advice on our projects and just generally having a great time! Hope a little art making finds its way into … Continued
I was privileged to be able to fill my weekend with workshops! Saturday was two sessions of artist trading card making at Tessera Fine Art Gallery in Wichita. We used a deck of playing cards and got at least a … Continued
I have been having a blast making some fun workshop adventures for the artsy, or even the not so artsy, at heart. I am getting more and more requests from people wanting to host a workshop in their own home, … Continued