I spent all of last week as Artist in Residence at the Red Barn Studio in Lindsborg, Kansas, home of the late artist Lester Raymer. I go every year for about a week, and in recent years my daughter Abby, a high school art teacher, has joined me. It is a great time to enjoy the great company, beautiful setting, and get a lot of art made!

This time one of my projects was to make examples for an upcoming workshop; Matisse on Tar paper. I used pieces cut from roofing tar to paint like Matisse on. It was so much fun and really got me excited for the workshop which will be August 22.

I didn’t try to replicate the work of Matisse, just tried to paint in his style. I loved it and can’t wait to do more! His perspective is wonky, and he doesn’t work in much detail, although he does include lots of patterning. I used some of my own hand carved stamps in the patterning. Stencils would work great too. I can’t wait to share the fun!

Be sure and register for the class early to get the early bird discount! Class size is limited.
Other fun classes coming up in the next couple of months:

Stained Glass Mixed Media style: August 1 (at Carriage Factory Gallery)

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